William is a Vancouver-based writer who’s contributed to local, regional and national publications. He is currently editor of the Vancouver Tech Journal, which was recently named the top newsletter for technology news in Vancouver by the Georgia Straight. You’re invited to subscribe at www.vantechjournal.com. With a focus on business and technology, William’s writing has been featured in outlets including BetaKit, BCBusiness, Maclean’s, The Globe & Mail, Daily Hive, Ottawa Magazine, and University Affairs. In addition, William has been a speaker on communications and innovation at events like the #BCTECHSummit, TechVancouver, Marketing Connect, and BC AMA’s Vision conference. William previously combined his editorial work with full-time in-house jobs, most recently as director of marketing and communications at Innovate BC and head of communications at the Downtown Vancouver Business Improvement Association. He is actively engaged in the B.C. business community, currently serving in volunteer roles with the Vancouver Entrepreneurs’ Forum, BrainStation, and Business Council of B.C. William studied political science at Carleton University and public relations at the University of Toronto. He is active on Twitter @notionport.
Vancouver Tech Journal